Looking for ways to spruce up your schedule?
112: The Battle for Today’s Young Women
This week, Leslie shares her heart on principles for mentoring and ministering to the needs of Christian young women…
111: Engaging in Spiritual Warfare, Part Two
This week, Leslie continues to share how to identify key points of enemy attack and develop a strategy in how to resist Satan’s attempts to thwart you from God’s purposes for your life…
110: Engaging in Spiritual Warfare, Part One
There are a lot of questions surrounding the topic of spiritual warfare and it’s important that we, as Christian women, know how to approach it in a biblical way…
109: A Christ-Centered Living Space
Discover how to cultivate a Christ-centered living space with three helpful principles that won’t lead you to the right look for your space, but definitely to the right perspective…
108: Keys to Romantic Fulfillment
Valentine’s Day can be difficult if you’re single…